Monday, March 9, 2009

If a Blog Falls in the Woods...

I'm nobody, who are you? Are you nobody too?"

I can't remember who wrote that poem but I feel a little like the nowhere woman, writing my little blog for nobody to see because I'm haven't put it Out There yet and am not sure how far I'll go.

This was a day with weather like mood swings -- snowy and st0rmy one minute, sunny and calm the next. A great day for writing and cooking - my favorite simultaneous pursuits, though too much reflection can sometimes lead to disasters in the kitchen, I've learned the hard way.

I'm starting to see the appeal of the renograde elements of blogging, publishing what you want, when you want -- a big difference from the long time-lag between sending out a query letter, struggling over edits and actually getting published and paid.

I've had an interesting time trying to come up with a unique title for this blog (Ruminations from the Minivan seemed too long). Haven't found one yet.

Turns out there are a lot of creative people out there. If the traditional world of publishing is a tough nut to crack, at least you send your work out in a vacuum. The blogosphere enables you to see it all - there is no slush pile. So out comes the yardstick and one wonders if one measures up. Yet it also makes you glad for all the voices that can be heard.

Yesterday I saw the film Phoebe in Wonderland, in which Felicity Huffman gives a performance that hit very close to home as a mother and writer conflicted over which would leave her with the more important legacy.

I'm contemplating whether blogs, like meals, can sometimes be small masterpieces that are short-lived but satisfying.

And just like that, as I was writing this, my first comment came in and a very empowering one at that. Lighten up and have fun, she said, in so many words.

So thank you very much, I will. And I'll reflect (but not too much) upon that while making broccoli soup and sweet potato bread (thanks for the recipes, Orangette) to sustain my busy family.

I'm out there. So far, so good.


  1. I'm relatively new to the blogging world, too (Swoonworthy is my latest project), so I thought I would add a little comment because I understand how nice they feel! Just thought you should know people are secretly hovering and devouring your words.

  2. Hey Swoonworthy. I just saw you on Orangette! Nice to receive such nourishing feedback. I look forward to checking out your blog and to continuing this experiment.
